4 FSBO Scripts To Help You Capture More Leads

4 FSBO Scripts To Help You Capture More Leads

FSBO's can be a gold mine for real estate agents if approached the right way. Let's take a look at 4 FSBO scripts to help you convert them into leads.

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Dealing with For Sale By Owners (FSBOs) listings can be intimidating. It’s a challenging task, not just for new real estate agents, but also for seasoned veterans. FSBOs are, after all, home sellers who feel like they don’t need the services of a real estate agent such as yourself.

However, FSBOs provide an excellent opportunity. These are homeowners interested in selling their homes as quickly as possible. Infact, they are the closest you can get to someone outright shouting “I need to sell my home NOW.”

But where would you start if you wanted to convince them to give you a chance? Let’s take a look at 4 FSBO scripts that can help you do just that.

What Are For Sale By Owner Scripts and Why Should Realtors Use Them?

FSBO (For Sale By Owner) scripts are pre-written templates designed to guide realtors in conversations with homeowners who are selling their property without an agent. These sellers are already in the market, which makes them highly motivated leads, but they often have objections about hiring a professional. FSBO scripts help agents navigate these objections, showcase their value, and build trust—all while keeping the conversation focused and productive.

Why FSBO Scripts Work

FSBO sellers are driven, but they often lack the resources, experience, or network to maximize their sale’s potential. That’s where a thoughtful FSBO script comes in. Here’s why using them is a game-changer:

  • Handle Objections Like a Pro. FSBO sellers typically resist working with agents due to concerns about commissions or confidence in handling the process alone. A strong FSBO script acknowledges these concerns and reframes the conversation to highlight how an agent can help them net more money, save time, and reduce stress.
  • Build Instant Rapport. The best FSBO scripts are designed to feel conversational, not pushy. By asking open-ended questions about the seller’s goals and challenges, agents can create a personal connection that sets the tone for collaboration.
  • Stay Focused. A script ensures the dialogue stays on track, covering critical points like market insights, negotiation expertise, and marketing reach without overwhelming the seller or coming off as overly scripted.

The Benefits of Using FSBO Scripts

  • Higher Conversion Rates. FSBO scripts are crafted to turn resistance into opportunity. They plant the seeds for follow-up conversations and, ultimately, client conversions.
  • Save Time and Energy. Scripts streamline your outreach by giving you a proven framework that’s easy to customize. Whether you’re on a cold call, sending a text, or meeting in person, you’ll always know what to say.
  • Position Yourself as the Expert. By leveraging market data, success stories, and proven strategies, your script positions you as the go-to professional who can help sellers achieve their goals faster and with less hassle.

With the right FSBO script, you’re not just making a cold pitch—you’re opening the door to a long-term client relationship.

Old fashioned real estate agent speaks on the phone B&W

1. The Classic FSBO Script

Hi, this is (name) from (brokerage). I’m looking for the owner of the house. 

(This is the owner)

I’m a real estate professional that specializes in (area name). I’m giving you a call because one of my main responsibilities is to know where all the houses for sale are in our area. That way I can help the buyers I represent to find the home they’re looking for.

Do you mind if I ask you a few questions about your home?

(Sure. Go ahead)

I drove by your For Sale by Owner sign, and found your ad at (Zillow, the newspaper, the internet, Facebook, etc.). It mentioned that your home has (#) bedrooms and (#) bathrooms. I saw the pictures, but I wanted to get a few specifics. 

How big are the bedrooms? Would they be large enough for a family with two young children?

What can you tell me about the kitchen? Was it remodeled recently?

What about the bathrooms?

What can you tell me about the yard? 

How’s the neighborhood? Is it safe to walk around at night? How are the schools? Is it a good place for a growing family?

Is there anything else I should know about it?

How much are you asking for the home?


It sounds like you have a really nice home. If it’s not too much to ask, why are you selling it?

Do you already have a home to move to? What area is it in?

So what attracted you to that area?

How much is that home going for?

Ok, so you mentioned that you’re asking $xxx,xxx for your home. If you don’t mind me asking, how did you determine your sale price?

I’m asking because there are several homes similar to yours in the area. For instance, there’s (mention a couple of comparable properties in the area) So what are you doing to market your home in a way that can compete with those?

Do you need to sell this home before you can move to your new one?

I understand that you’re selling your home on your own for a reason. And you know what? I can respect that. But I have to ask. If there was any advantage of using me as an agent to market your home, and it got you a higher sales price, would you be against it?

(No. But I don’t want to pay 6% in commission. I just want to get it sold.)

It sounds like you have a lot on your mind right now, and you probably have a ton of things you need to do. 

While I can’t solve every problem you have to deal with, I think I can help you sell you ease your mind when it comes to selling your home. 

Why don’t we meet for a short 20 minutes conversation and show you how I can help you sell your home faster and at a price where the commission won’t be an issue?

I’ll be upfront with you. If I can make that happen, I’ll let you know. But if I can’t, I’ll let you know as well. How does that sound?

(Well, ok. Come over and we’ll see.)

I’m available on Tuesday at 3 PM and Wednesday at 4 PM. Which one works for you?

(Tuesday at 3 PM is fine).

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Why Does This FSBO Script Work?

This FSBO script (which is a modified version of one of Mike Ferry’s FSBO scripts) works for a number of reasons.

First of all, this conversation is framed around the seller. You’re not dominating the conversation by talking exclusively about what you can do. Instead, you get sellers to talk about the house, how large it is, their life in the neighborhood, and how they determined the listing price.

People love talking about ourselves, so by inviting sellers to talk about themselves, you’re helping to build rapport.

Secondly, you’re framing the conversation not as an attempt to “sell yourself” to the buyer, but rather as an information-gathering exercise in order to better serve your clients. And this is not a trick or a white lie. It really IS your responsibility as a real estate agent to know all the listings in your hyperlocal area of operations.

Thirdly, your transition to your call to action is pretty organic. Although you’re using a FSBO script, there’s no reason for it to SOUND scripted.

And finally, although you’re pretty confident about your real estate skills, you’re humanizing yourself (and reassuring sellers that you don’t want to waste their time) by admitting that if you’re unable to sell the seller’s home, you’re won’t take the listing.

When you’re ready, make sure you refer your new prospective client to your website. Our AgentFire designers can help you put together a customized real estate website that is designed to stand out and generate leads. Schedule your free demo here. 

Female doctor sits at the desk and talks on the phone

2. The Diagnostic FSBO Script

Hi, this is (name) from (brokerage). I noticed you have a home for sale at (address). Is it still available? May I speak with the owner of the house?

I understand you’re selling the home by yourself, and I respect that. I was just wondering if you are cooperating with buyer’s agents?

And by cooperating I mean, if one of the clients were to make an offer, are you willing to pay me the standard (insert your percentage here) commission in our area for a buyer side only?

If yes:

Ok, that’s great! Could you tell me a little more about your home? (Ask about details such as room size, age of home, what the neighborhood is like, etc.)

I have a few buyers right now, and I think that they could be interested in your home. Is there a time I could come by and take a look at the property before bringing my clients?

If no:

I understand. By the way, I was wondering how much you’re asking for the house?


Let me ask you something. What made you decide to sell your home without hiring a professional agent, and without cooperating with buyer’s agents?

(I don’t want to pay that much for a real estate agent, I had a bad experience with an agent, my son is a computer wiz who can list the home online, etc.)

I see. In fact, you’re not the only one that feels that way. Lots of For Sale By Owners have told me the exact same thing. 

Again, I respect your decision to sell on your own. But assuming that I could show you a way that I could net the ($xxx,xxx) you want for the house, possibly even more by using our marketing plan, would you be open to it?

(I just want to get rid of my home, I don’t want to complicate things, a lot of realtors have told me the same thing, etc…)

I hear you. If I may ask, what’s the main reason for your sale?

(We’re moving to a home closer to my workplace, we’re downsizing, we don’t like this neighborhood, the monthly payment is too high, etc…)

Ok, that makes sense. (Congratulate the buyer if the move is a positive one). And when do you need to be in your new home?

(In 2-3 months.)

Gotcha. So you have at most (number of days) to sell your home, do all the paperwork, and deal with the move. So what happens if your home doesn’t sell by then? Do you have a backup plan?

(I don’t know. I’d rather not think about it. We’ll deal with it as we go along. Stay with my parents. Rent an apartment, etc.)

Sounds like you’re not too happy about any of those options.

Hypothetically, let’s say that I was able to sell your home, get you the highest amount the market is willing to pay for your home, and help you avoid (unpleasant backup option), would that be a win for you?

(If you could do all of that, yeah, I guess it would.)

Tell you what, why don’t we meet for a short 20 minute chat? We’ll take a look at your situation, do a property analysis, and I’ll let you know if I can make it happen? If I can’t, I won’t waste your time. I’ll tell you immediately.

(Ok, why not. Let’s see what you have.)

Great! I’m available this afternoon at 5 pm. Would that work for you?

Why Does This FSBO Script Work?

Behind every home seller, there’s a pain point behind the decision to sell his/her home. This FSBO script helps uncover that pain point.

Instead of forcefully reminding the home buyers that they’re making a mistake by selling the home themselves, you show respect to their decision. However, this script DOES remind them that there’s a possibility they won’t be able to sell their home on their own, and that there are consequences for that decision.

Finally, the script shows the home seller that that pain point CAN be fixed if they use your services. All they have to do is give you 20 minutes to prove it to them.

Whether or not your potential client is interested in hiring an agent at the moment, it’s best to save their contact information and add them to your CRM incase they are interested down the line. All of your favourite CRMs integrate naturally with AgentFire websites. Learn more about our CRM integrations here.

Woman holds her hand out to the camera

3. The Objection Sidestepper FSBO Script

Hi, I’m calling about the home for sale at (address). Is this the owner of the home? My name is (name) from (agency name). I’m a real estate professional that focuses on the (area name).

I see that you’re selling the home on your own.

I’m calling you because I work with lots of buyers and sellers in the area, including many For Sale By Owners. I’m calling you to see how things are working out for you?

Do you already have a home to move to once you sell your current home?

How quickly would you like to make all of that happen?

Do you cooperate with buyer’s agents? (Explain what cooperation means if necessary)

I’m curious though. What’s the main reason you’re selling your home on your own instead of hiring an agent. Is it the commission?

If I was able to show you a way to sell your property for more money than you could on your own, even after my commission is paid, would you be interested in that?

(I don’t see how you could do that.)

I see where you’re coming from. After all, if you felt that an agent could do that for you, I’m sure you would have hired one already, right?

But hypothetically speaking, if there was a financial benefit of working with me rather than selling the home on your own, and I could PROVE it and show you the numbers, would you at least consider it?

That’s why we need to meet in person. I’m available at 2 pm and 5 pm today. Which one works best for you?

Why Does This FSBO Script Work?

This FSBO script tackles the most common objection that prevents FSBOs from hiring a real estate agent: the agent’s commission. And instead of avoiding or downplaying that objection, this script acknowledges it and respects the intelligence of the seller.

At the same time, it opens up the possibility that if you can prove that you can indeed prove that you can get the seller a higher closing price than the seller could on his/her own, it only makes sense to hire you.

Finally, it sets up an appointment for the same day so you can get to work while the iron is hot.

Two men shake hands in an elevator with a woman standing near

Script 4: The Elevator Pitch FSBO Script

Hello, may I speak with the owner of the home for sale at (address)? Is it still for sale?

My name is (name) from (brokerage). I see that you’re selling your home on your own. Are you be open to cooperating with a buyer’s agent?


Can you tell me more about your home? (Size of rooms, age of home, etc.)

Listen, I got a few buyers that are looking for a home like yours. Would it be ok if I go and take a look at the property before bringing in my clients?

Why Does This FSBO Script Work?

This script is short, sweet, and to the point. It immediately identifies if the FSBO is open to cooperating with buyer’s agents, and focuses on getting you in front of the seller in person. 

Instead of waiting for both of you to agree on a date to meet and talk about your marketing skills, it just gets you there.

It would then be up to you to demonstrate your value once you meet the FSBO in person if he/she lets you tour the house.

And the best part? It’s quick and efficient, and easy to memorize, just like an elevator pitch. It’s the kind of script you can fall back on if you’re having an off day.

Looking for more ways to target your specific buyers? Check out these tips for marketing to each generation. 

How to Secure a Listing with a FSBO Seller

  1. Arrange a legitimate listing appointment. When you ask them when they want to list the property, the ideal answer is that they say they are ready now. This may not happen with the first FSBO you contact, but you surely will find one with time. Remember your intention before each call, but don’t push FSBO who are not interested immediately. Leave your contact information with them and ask if you can add them to your email list.
  2. Set a viewing appointment. A preview is when you go out to take a look at the property and meet with the seller for a short meeting.
  3. Decide if taking the listing is mutually beneficial. Whether or not you are interested in accepting the listing, follow up within 24 hours to notify the seller.

Real Estate Agent Call FSBO seller

Overcoming Common For Sale By Owner Objections

When speaking with FSBO sellers, you’re bound to encounter objections—most of which stem from misconceptions about the value of working with a real estate professional. Here’s how to handle the most common pushbacks with confidence and clarity.

“I Don’t Want to Pay a Commission.”

This is the classic FSBO objection. Sellers want to save money and think skipping an agent is the way to do it.

  • Acknowledge Their Concern: Start by validating their goal: “I get it—saving on commission sounds like a smart move.”
  • Shift the Focus to Net Profit: Explain how working with an agent can actually increase their bottom line: “Homes sold with an agent typically net 26% more than FSBO listings—even after commission. My goal is to help you walk away with more money in your pocket.”
  • Leverage Local Data: Use specific comps from their neighborhood to back up your point. “For example, your neighbor’s home on Oak Street sold for $25,000 more with an agent than similar FSBO homes nearby.”

“I Had a Bad Experience with an Agent.”

A previous negative experience can make sellers wary of realtors.

  • Lead with Empathy: “I’m sorry to hear that—unfortunately, not all agents prioritize their clients the way they should.”
  • Ask Questions: Find out what went wrong: “What specifically didn’t work last time? I’d love to understand so I can show you how I work differently.”
  • Highlight Your Differentiators: Showcase your unique approach: “I focus on clear communication, customized marketing strategies, and keeping you informed every step of the way.”

“I Can Sell My Home Myself.”

Many FSBO sellers believe they don’t need professional help.

  • Respect Their Confidence: “Selling a home on your own is a big undertaking—I admire your determination.”
  • Highlight Key Challenges: Gently educate them: “Most FSBO sellers tell me the toughest parts are pricing correctly, finding qualified buyers, and managing legal paperwork. These are areas where I can really lighten your workload.”
  • Offer to Be a Resource: “Even if you’re not ready to list, I’d be happy to provide a free market analysis or answer questions about the process—no obligation.”

The key to handling FSBO objections is listening, tailoring your response, and demonstrating your value with real-world examples.

Frequently Asked Questions

How effective are FSBO scripts in 2025?

Highly effective—when done right. FSBO sellers often struggle with pricing, marketing, and negotiations, leading to homes selling for an average of $55,000 less than agent-assisted sales. FSBO scripts allow agents to highlight these challenges and position themselves as the solution, making them an essential tool for converting leads in 2025’s competitive real estate market.

How often should I contact a FSBO lead?

Follow up regularly but strategically. After your initial outreach, touch base every 7-10 days if the seller hasn’t listed yet. If the property has been on the market for weeks, increase frequency and offer valuable updates, like market trends or buyer interest. Be persistent, but always respectful of their time.

What’s the best time to call FSBO sellers?

Late afternoons, ideally between 4 PM and 6 PM, are prime times to reach FSBO sellers. Evenings and Saturday mornings can also work well, especially if you’re catching them in a more relaxed moment. Timing matters—call too early, and you risk being ignored; call too late, and you’ll miss their attention entirely.

Can I customize FSBO scripts?

Absolutely. The best FSBO scripts are tailored to the seller and property. Mention specific details about their home or neighborhood to show genuine interest. For example, “Your home’s backyard looks like a great selling point for families—how has the response been so far?” Customization builds rapport and sets you apart from generic pitches.

Are FSBO scripts only for phone calls?

Not at all. FSBO scripts can be adapted for emails, texts, or face-to-face conversations. For example, use a concise version in a text or email to introduce yourself, then save the full script for a phone call or in-person meeting. Multi-channel communication increases your chances of connecting.


FSBOs are a golden opportunity for real estate agents willing to put the effort into approaching them. As always, real estate is a numbers game.

You won’t be able to convince every single FSBO to use your services, but these scripts can help you increase your conversion rate, and help you feel more confident calling them.

Do you have any FSBO script that works for you? Share it in the comments below.

And if you want to stay up to date on all of our free and valuable content, subscribe to our newsletter. We publish valuable articles and guides such as this one regularly. That way you can constantly improve your marketing skills, and become a more effective real estate marketer.

And if you want to dominate your hyperlocal real estate market, check out AgentFire’s AgentFire Sites, #1 rated for several years in a row.

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