Real Estate Blog

The Hottest Real Estate Marketing, Website, and Technology Insights.

Essential Safety Tips for Real Estate Agents
These crucial safety tips for real estate agents and strategies could save your life. Protect yourself while navigating the field and enjoy a full real estate career.
Danielle Taffe
Content Creator
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Do Real Estate Agents Need to Hire a Marketing Agency?
This guide will empower real estate agents to make a clear and informed decision about hiring the right marketing agency for their real estate business - or not at all.
Danielle Taffe
Content Creator
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The Ultimate Real Estate Agent Daily To-do List
From early morning prep to afternoon client meetings, this is the dynamic schedule that powers successful property transactions.
Danielle Taffe
Content Creator
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Mistakes to Avoid in Your Property Listings
Dive into the dos and don'ts of crafting property descriptions that captivate buyers and learn how to avoid mistakes that can hinder your listing's success.
Danielle Taffe
Content Creator
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The Best Holiday Gifts for Real Estate Clients and Colleagues
This curated list of thoughtful and memorable gift ideas will help you strengthen relationships with your real estate colleagues and clients.
Danielle Taffe
Content Creator
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44 Unique Real Estate Newsletter Ideas
Unlock the secrets for a compelling newsletter with these 44 customizable real estate newsletter topics. Next stop: Elevating your newsletter game and connecting with your audience effectively!
Danielle Taffe
Content Creator
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Real Estate Prospecting Vs. Marketing 101
Let’s clear up the intricate differences between real estate prospecting and marketing. Whether you’re a budding agent or an experienced agent who isn’t a marketing expert, this analysis helps you understand how to use prospecting and marketing the right way to meet your business goals.
Danielle Taffe
Content Creator
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Launching Your Career as a Part-Time Real Estate Agent
Get practical tips to jumpstart your career as a part-time real estate agent! We break down who this option is best for, the challenges to expect, and how to overcome them.
Danielle Taffe
Content Creator
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Attract International Real Estate Clients with These Strategies
We’ve got the secrets to finding awesome foreign real estate clients using international real estate marketing! Read on for key cultural insights and expert tips to expand your reach and boost sales with foreign clients in the global market.
Danielle Taffe
Content Creator
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Factors Affecting Your Real Estate Marketing Success
Discover the key factors that can make or break your real estate marketing success. You may be surprised by many of these unseen barriers.
Danielle Taffe
Content Creator
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The Secret To Marketing Pocket Listings
Marketing pocket listings provide a unique challenge: let the right audience know about your listing without making too much noise in the industry. We'll touch on what pocket listings are and how you can market them efficiently and quietly.
Danielle Taffe
Content Creator
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Be the Titan of Your Real Estate Brokerage: Unleash Your Leadership Potential
Learn how to inspire your agents, make forward-thinking decisions, and lead your real estate brokerage with confidence. Unlock your path to becoming a trusted and influential leader in the real estate industry.
Danielle Taffe
Content Creator
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