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7 Real Estate Reality T.V. Myths Affecting Your Business
This is how real estate agents can understand and combat real estate reality T.V. myths.
Danielle Taffe
Content Creator
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10 Texting Etiquette Tips for Real Estate Agents
Texting is a quick, casual way for real estate agents to communicate with clients - but it definitely has its downfalls and risks. Here are 10 key texting etiquette tips for real estate agents.
Danielle Taffe
Content Creator
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Targeted Advice from Winning Real Estate Agents: What Beginner Agents Need to Know
Success as a new real estate agent requires a lot more than just passing the exam. Here is what these multi-million dollar agents want you to know.
Danielle Taffe
Content Creator
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Break time: How Real Estate Agents Take Vacations Without Losing Business
It's time for you to take a break. Here's how to get away this summer without making a mess of your real estate business.
Danielle Taffe
Content Creator
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9 Ways to Build Confidence as a Real Estate Agent
To have success in the real estate industry, self-confidence is vital. Without confidence, agents won't develop the resilience, belief, and optimistic assumptions that lead to a fantastic career. Here are 9 ways to boost your confidence as a real estate agent.
Danielle Taffe
Content Creator
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Here's How to Convince Real Estate Clients to Stage Their Home
Home staging can be a sensitive topic to bring up. As an agent, you know what's necessary to get your listing sold, yet client's aren't always willing to accept style criticism or added costs. Here's how to convince your client to professionally stage their home and get it sold fast.
Danielle Taffe
Content Creator
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31 Open House Tips to Capture Promising Leads
No real estate agent wants to waste their day at an unproductive open house. Catch leads, please sellers, and become a hyperlocal leader with these 31 tips!
Danielle Taffe
Content Creator
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How to Deal with Know-It-All Real Estate Clients
Dealing with know-it-all real estate clients? If so, don't write these difficult clients off. If you deal with their underlying worries with patience and empathy, you could turn them into happy clients for life.
Nelson Quest
Founder & CEO
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The Security Technology Keeping Real Estate Agents Safe in 2024
As in-person interactions increase, so do the safety risks for real estate agents. The following security technologies will keep real estate agents safe in the most common, high-risk scenarios on the job.
Danielle Taffe
Content Creator
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17 Key Questions Real Estate Agents Need to Ask Before Joining a New Brokerage
Is it time to change for you to change brokerages? Make sure you choose the right real estate brokerage before taking the leap.
Danielle Taffe
Content Creator
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How to Handle Negative Real Estate Reviews
Don't let negative real estate reviews make your business look bad. Learn how to handle negative testimonials with professionalism and bounce back quickly with these tips.
Danielle Taffe
Content Creator
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The 15 Step "Switching Real Estate Brokerages" Checklist
Ready for a brokerage change? Make a clean and peaceful exit in 15 steps with this "Switching Real Estate Brokerages" checklist.
Danielle Taffe
Content Creator
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