Real Estate Blog

The Hottest Real Estate Marketing, Website, and Technology Insights.

A Complete Real Estate Video Marketing Guide: The 5 Fundamentals
Video is the current king of content. That's why you should seriously consider making it a part of your content strategy. In this article, we go over 5 fundamental elements of video marketing you need to start applying today.
Nick Ingrisani
Content Creator
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How SEO Works In Plain English
In this article, we'll explain in plain English what exactly SEO is, how it improves your ranking in search engines, and why you should not ignore it.
Misael Lizarraga
Senior Content Coordinator
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Real Estate Facebook Ad Ideas From America's Top Agents
We scoured the most syndicated lists including the Wall Street Journal, REAL Trends, and Top 100 Real Estate Agents® to see how the industry's elite use real estate Facebook ads. Here's what we found.
Nelson Quest
Founder & CEO
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7 SEO Keyword Mistakes Real Estate Agents Need to Avoid
SEO can be challenging enough as it is. Make sure you avoid these 7 SEO mistakes whenever you are running a content writing strategy.
Landon Murie
Guest Writer
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Real Estate Videos You Should Produce
Video is extremely effective is grabbing your prospects' attention and staying in their mind. Here are 9 real estate videos you should start creating today.
Misael Lizarraga
Senior Content Coordinator
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80 Social Media Post Ideas For Real Estate
Looking to level up your social media marketing? Check out these 80 ideas for real estate social media posts. These can be used in any social network.
Danielle Taffe
Content Creator
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Top 50 COVID-19 Real Estate Blog Ideas
People are uncertain about the future and many are struggling to adjust in this new way of living. They’re looking for guidance. Your blog is a fantastic opportunity to provide leadership and value, help others move forward, support our front liners and keep your community up-to-date on the state of the pandemic.
Nelson Quest
Founder & CEO
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Create Ad Copywriting Wizardry With These 4 Time-Tested Formulas
Coming up with an effective ad is challenging. Sadly there is no app that can consistently create effective real estate ads. Thankfully, these 4 almost magical copywriting formulas can make this process a whole lot easier.
Misael Lizarraga
Senior Content Coordinator
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45 Insightful Real Estate Quotes Guaranteed to Motivate You
Are you looking for an extra motivational boost to get you through the day? We have you covered with these 45 insightful real estate quotes guaranteed to motivate you.
How Real Estate Agents Can Leverage Hyperlocal Content to Boost SEO Results
Search engine results are essential to a real estate agent's success. Every real estate agent would like to rank better on the search engine result pages, even more on a hyperlocal scale. The key is learning how to leverage your website to dominate these results for your local market.
Nelson Quest
Founder & CEO
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6 Storytelling Techniques to Help You Create Compelling Real Estate Content
By using storytelling techniques, you can create compelling content that will stick in your audience's mind. This article cover 6 techniques and examples.
Misael Lizarraga
Senior Content Coordinator
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5 Strategies for Endless Real Estate Blog Ideas with Google News
It's often difficult to come up with blog ideas that your audience will find valuable, relevant and informative. By using the right keyphrase in Google News, you can generate an infinite amount of blog ideas.
Misael Lizarraga
Senior Content Coordinator
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