Real Estate Blog

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Be the Titan of Your Real Estate Brokerage: Unleash Your Leadership Potential
Learn how to inspire your agents, make forward-thinking decisions, and lead your real estate brokerage with confidence. Unlock your path to becoming a trusted and influential leader in the real estate industry.
Danielle Taffe
Content Creator
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28 Fascinating Real Estate Facts: Prepare to Be Shocked and Educated
Impress your clients and your dinner guests with these 28 shocking real estate facts. There's more to this ancient industry than you know!
Danielle Taffe
Content Creator
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Spring Cleaning Checklist for Real Estate Businesses: Tips and Tricks
Warm weather means that the busiest time in real estate is approaching! Get yourself organized now, instead of feeling overwhelmed down the line.
Danielle Taffe
Content Creator
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Real Estate Marketing to Millennials vs. Gen Z: What's Next?
Millennials and Gen Z are on the brink of taking over the real estate market. How can you connect with these future sellers and buyers to make an impact?
Danielle Taffe
Content Creator
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Increase Your Real Estate Earning Potential with a Positive Mindset
Having the right mindset is the most powerful way to guarantee a long and successful real estate career. Now's the time to get control of your negative thought patterns.
Danielle Taffe
Content Creator
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Easy Real Estate Marketing Tweaks that Make a Big Difference
Small shifts in your real estate digital marketing plan can make a huge difference. Even the tightest marketing plans will benefit from these smart tweaks!
Danielle Taffe
Content Creator
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Real Estate Agent Burnout: What, Why, and How to Bounce Back.
Are you a real estate agent experiencing burnout? Find out how to quickly and permanently minimize stress from overworking.
Danielle Taffe
Content Creator
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12 Ways Real Estate Agents Can Adapt and Thrive in a Market Shift
Major shifts in the real estate market are inevitable, but not easy to adapt to. Here is how real estate agents can prep and flourish in a changing market.
Danielle Taffe
Content Creator
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Break time: How Real Estate Agents Take Vacations Without Losing Business
It's time for you to take a break. Here's how to get away this summer without making a mess of your real estate business.
Danielle Taffe
Content Creator
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9 Ways to Build Confidence as a Real Estate Agent
To have success in the real estate industry, self-confidence is vital. Without confidence, agents won't develop the resilience, belief, and optimistic assumptions that lead to a fantastic career. Here are 9 ways to boost your confidence as a real estate agent.
Danielle Taffe
Content Creator
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Become (and market yourself as) an Investor-Friendly Real Estate Agent
Real estate agents have lots to gain from working with real estate investors. But to be an investment-friendly agent, you'll need these new skills first.
Danielle Taffe
Content Creator
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Here's How to Convince Real Estate Clients to Stage Their Home
Home staging can be a sensitive topic to bring up. As an agent, you know what's necessary to get your listing sold, yet client's aren't always willing to accept style criticism or added costs. Here's how to convince your client to professionally stage their home and get it sold fast.
Danielle Taffe
Content Creator
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