Real Estate Blog

The Hottest Real Estate Marketing, Website, and Technology Insights.

30 Essential Books For Real Estate Agents
I know you've probably seen a million and one lists of the best books you just HAVE to read. Most of those lists just rehash the same information you've seen before. I did not want to do that with this list. No hype. Just real good books for building a great real estate career.
Nelson Quest
Founder & CEO
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15 Amazing Photo Resources For Real Estate Agents
There's a fine line between quality and the terrible real estate photos you see on the promotional material of an agent or brokerage with exactly $0 marketing budget. We took the time to scour the internet to not only find the best photo resources but narrow down each sites' strengths.
Nelson Quest
Founder & CEO
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WordPress vs. Joomla: Which is best for Real Estate?
WordPress is a better all around site that makes it easier and faster to publish your content and regularly update your site (which may also explain why it's believed to be used by close to 25% of all websites currently online (Source:
Nelson Quest
Founder & CEO
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Add Google Authorship to your Website in 3 Minutes
Google Authorship is great for two reasons. Number 1: it’s a positive social indicator. You want to give Google as many reasons to trust your website and the content from your website as possible. This is one very good reason. Number 2: it’s going to increase clicks.
Nelson Quest
Founder & CEO
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