Real Estate Blog

The Hottest Real Estate Marketing, Website, and Technology Insights.

How to Get More People Talking About Your Real Estate Biz on Social Media
Social media is an absolute necessity in your real estate marketing. Learn how to get more people talking about your business in your social media channels.
5 Steps To Help You Be The Leader Your Clients Need While Everyone Else Panics
Challenging times bring new opportunities for real estate agents willing to seize them. Learn how to exercise leadership and use your time effectively during the COVID-19 crisis.
Nelson Quest
Founder & CEO
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Most Agents Will Never Become Top Producers. Here's Why.
Every agent is a business owner - and you can’t run a business without planning and intention. Read on to learn what makes the difference between lucky breaks and consistent growth.
Nelson Quest
Founder & CEO
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How BrightMLS Is Fixing America's Biggest MLS Problem
MLS is an invaluable tool for real estate agents. But America's MLS system isn't perfect. Find out how BrightMLS is fixing some of the major issues with American MLS in the Mid-Atlantic.
Misael Lizarraga
Senior Content Coordinator
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How To Get More Google Reviews From Your Clients (And Why)
The jury is in: Google reviews are the new word of mouth. But how can you make sure your clients give you a review? Find out how in today's article.
Nelson Quest
Founder & CEO
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How The Coronavirus Is Affecting Real Estate
The novel coronavirus (COVID-19) is in everyone's mind right now for good reason. But how is it affecting real estate, and what should you do to remain productive in 2020?
Nelson Quest
Founder & CEO
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Build A Hyperlocal Real Estate Website In Just 10 Minutes
We’ve been working to create an experience that gives agents and real estate teams the tools to be able to create beautiful and effective hyperlocal websites within minutes. Our latest update, makes it easier than ever to build amazing, customizable websites that actually get results.
Luke Belcourt
Product Growth Manager
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How Chatbots Can Help You Capture More Leads
Chatbots are tools can help you capture more leads, and leverage your time more effectively. But are they just a passing fad, or are they effective tools you should implement? And if so, which ones?
Nelson Quest
Founder & CEO
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Create Ad Copywriting Wizardry With These 4 Time-Tested Formulas
Coming up with an effective ad is challenging. Sadly there is no app that can consistently create effective real estate ads. Thankfully, these 4 almost magical copywriting formulas can make this process a whole lot easier.
Misael Lizarraga
Senior Content Coordinator
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The Definitive Guide To Hyperlocal Real Estate Marketing Part 2
Following up on part one, in today's article, we'll cover 20 social media and networking strategies for hyperlocal marketing to help you become THE local expert in your area of service.
Nelson Quest
Founder & CEO
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Capture More Qualified Leads With AgentFire’s New Semi-Custom Website Package
If your website's homepage doesn’t instantly grab your visitor’s attention, you could be chasing away dozens of leads each month. With AgentFire’s new Semi-Custom website package you can have an industry-tested homepage built by team of talented designers.
Nelson Quest
Founder & CEO
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The Definitive Guide To Hyperlocal Real Estate Marketing Part 1
Looking to consolidate your position as the local real estate expert in your area? Want to take your marketing efforts to the next level in 2020? Check out part 1 of our Definitive Guide To Hyperlocal Real Estate Marketing.
Nelson Quest
Founder & CEO
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