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You might have heard me talk in our other articles about real estate partners. And how collaborating with non-competing professionals is a great way to boost your credibility and generate referrals as a real estate agent. Today I want to take you deeper on that subject.
Nelson Quest
Founder & CEO
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As a realtor or brokerage, you're always looking for new ways to generate better results from your marketing efforts. In this article, I want to cut through the fluff and help consolidate your efforts into the best real estate marketing tools for the job.
Danielle Taffe
Content Creator
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There are many more factors to keep in mind when starting and running an Adwords campaign. I'll be covering more common mistakes and how to create your first profitable campaign throughout this article. Starting with how to approach Adwords.
Nelson Quest
Founder & CEO
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It used to be so easy to snap high rankings. Stuff your page with your target keyword, buy a few link-building services and boom, your website got to the number one spot. Sadly, this doesn't work anymore.
Nelson Quest
Founder & CEO
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Think of your website like a net. The more holes you have, the more fish (leads) are going to slip through. So where will you find the holes in your real estate website design?
Nelson Quest
Founder & CEO
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Do you want to learn how to generate over 200 real estate leads a month? Our client, Kevin Johnson is doing just that. He earned over $100,000 in commissions in his first 90 days as a realtor, and half a million in just two years. How did he do it?
Nelson Quest
Founder & CEO
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Your time must be managed well as a Realtor. Your results are directly tied to your ability to get stuff done. If you are constantly distracted and not working on important things - you're obviously not selling many homes.
Nelson Quest
Founder & CEO
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A lot of business success comes down to brand awareness. This is why the big guys spend countless dollars on building their image. Thankfully, building brand awareness as a local service provider is much easier than it is for international enterprises.
Nelson Quest
Founder & CEO
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Have you ever read an article or watched a video and been prompted to download something for free? Experiment with your downloadable assets. The key is to provide as much value as possible so that your site visitors have a reason to provide you with their contact information.
Nelson Quest
Founder & CEO
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Getting articles written doesn't have to be a full time endeavor. You can find a local to help you write a few articles a month. This alone will be great for your marketing and branding efforts.
Nelson Quest
Founder & CEO
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