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A real estate direct mail marketing campaign sent at the right time, with the right offer, and sent to the right people can be worth the effort. Here's why.
Misael Lizarraga
Senior Content Coordinator
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Marketing is expensive, and expensive can be scary. But fear not! In this article, we’ll explore 5 actionable strategies you could use to optimize your real estate marketing strategy and lower costs whenever possible.
Misael Lizarraga
Senior Content Coordinator
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Hyperlocal real estate marketing breaks down your marketing and sales activity to the smallest target area or demographic possible. You do this to solidify your brand as the local super-agent.
Nelson Quest
Founder & CEO
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As a realtor or brokerage, you're always looking for new ways to generate better results from your marketing efforts. In this article, I want to cut through the fluff and help consolidate your efforts into the best real estate marketing tools for the job.
Danielle Taffe
Content Creator
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Have you ever read an article or watched a video and been prompted to download something for free? Experiment with your downloadable assets. The key is to provide as much value as possible so that your site visitors have a reason to provide you with their contact information.
Nelson Quest
Founder & CEO
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LinkedIn Ads for real estate are some of the most under-utilized, yet effective digital marketing tools available to real estate agents. The following guide will show you how to tap in to that audience to capture hot leads quickly and grow your personal brand - all within budget.
Danielle Taffe
Content Creator
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Did you know that 51% of prospective buyers use Youtube to start their home search? Video is one of the most effective leads to grab the attention of hot leads and build your professional real estate brand. Use these 30+ real estate video tips to make your digital marketing drastically more effective.
Danielle Taffe
Content Creator
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Unlock the secrets for a compelling newsletter with these 44 customizable real estate newsletter topics. Next stop: Elevating your newsletter game and connecting with your audience effectively!
Danielle Taffe
Content Creator
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We’ve got the secrets to finding awesome foreign real estate clients using international real estate marketing! Read on for key cultural insights and expert tips to expand your reach and boost sales with foreign clients in the global market.
Danielle Taffe
Content Creator
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Your CTAs are small but powerful elements of your real estate website. The right CTA text and design can immediately. bring potential clients into your lead funnel.
Danielle Taffe
Content Creator
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